Days and nights are getting much colder at this time of the year. Homeowners that have invested in pool heaters may be able to get a few more weeks out of their pool. Otherwise, the time to close your pool is here. When you close your pool for the year, it’s important that you take your time with it to ensure it’s shut down efficiently.
At Splashworks Pool and Spa, we’ve helped numerous homeowners winterize their pool. The following article will offer you three tips to remember when winterizing your pool.
Close It at The Right Time
Our most recent article gave you advice on when to close your pool for the year. As we enter mid-October, now is the time to close your pool. You’ll want to have your pool completely closed before the first snowfall, as it would indicate that freezing temperatures are just around the corner. Running your pool pump under these conditions could impact the durability of your pump and plumbing.
Keep A Little Water in The Pool
While you’ll need to drain your inground pool to just below the return jets, it’s important to not drain more or less than this to ensure no problems occur over the winter. As the temperatures drop in November and December, the leftover water will prevent your pool from suffering liner damage and structural impairments.
As for the above ground pool, it’s recommended that you leave most of the water in as you close it for the winter, simply removing the hose from the skimmer and letting it drain slightly. A normal level of water gives the pool cover a place to rest – accumulating rainwater and snow can weigh your pool cover down, and if there’s no water below it, you risk a cover tear. It is important that you never drain your above ground pool completely.
Seek Professional Help
Preparing your pool for the winter isn’t a small job. Unfortunately, we’ve heard stories of homeowners simply throwing a cover over their pool and leaving it for the winter. The winterization process includes adding the necessary chemicals such as antifreeze, disconnecting hoses, clearing plumbing lines, draining the appropriate amount of water, etc. This process is designed to prevent the growth of algae and protect important pool parts from frigid temperatures.
To effectively avoid freeze damage, it would be a wise decision to enlist a professional pool company’s services to winterize your pool. The cost of hiring an experienced pool company is minimal compared to the costs associated with freeze damage. There are a number of factors that go into a successful pool winterization. Enlisting the services of a professional pool company would go a long way in protecting your valuable investment. If you have any questions or concerns about the winterization process, reach out to Splashworks Pool & Spa today!